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8 reasons why you should do your HubSpot onboarding with Spitfire

Written by Shiran Sugerman | 21 May 2024 8:00:00 AM


Starting with a new CRM software can be daunting. You need to ensure you set the tool up for ongoing success and that your team want to use it. That’s why you need a strategic partner like us.  

HubSpot is a beautifully intricate system, with layers of personalisation, optimisation and continuous updates and improvements. That’s why the correct onboarding is critical to your ongoing business success. But it’s important to remember that a tool is just a tool and it’s only as good as what you put into it and how you use it. We also know, from experience, that learning a new tool and getting your team to adopt it comes with a very steep and challenging learning curve. 

That’s why we’ve taken the steps to build out an onboarding process which is designed to help you ensure long-term success and business growth.  When we first started doing HubSpot onboarding we embraced the opportunity to help more businesses grow. Now we take all the feedback from clients and use these valuable insights to iterate and grow our onboarding methodologies. 

“My expectations were well met and we have had a solid onboarding that has set us up to move faster than if we chose to try ourselves.” - Graham Lawson, Praelexis

8 reasons why you should do your HubSpot onboarding with Spitfire

We know that no two onboarding processes are exactly the same! Even when using the same tools and functionalities, each client brings their own unique challenges and opportunities to the table. That’s why we use a full-spectrum approach, encompassing marketing, sales, and service, to bring strategic, problem-solving, and solution-oriented thinking to each onboarding.

Here’s why HubSpot onboarding through Spitfire can be the strongest tool in your arsenal: 

  1. We focus on the why: Everything you do in your business should start with a strategy, this is the foundation which will ensure your business is on the road to growth, and most importantly, that there is a solid “why” to everything you do.

    As part of our onboarding process, we start with a kickoff session to unpack your business processes and needs. We then work with you to optimise, iterate, or build strategies and processes to help your team get the most out of HubSpot and meet the business needs.

  2. We have a data-driven mindset: Your CRM's purpose is to bring your data into one place so you can use that data to make business decisions that have a solid “why”. We know it’s vital to input information accurately and promptly, but we also understand how to use that data. Data means nothing if you don’t do something with it!

    In our onboardings we always ask our clients to think about what they want to do with the data they input into the system. This ensures we start with a clear base which allows for future updates. Some of the questions we ask in this process are: 
    1. What do you want to report on?
    2. What information do your salespeople need to be more efficient?
    3. What information will help you qualify leads better?
    4. What data does your marketing team need to create a personalised experience?

  3. We focus on what is RIGHT for your business needs: We believe that just because you can doesn’t always mean you should. HubSpot is an amazing platform with many tools, but not all of the tools will be right for every business. Sometimes, an existing system does the job in a more relevant way for your business needs.

    Keep in mind that your tech stack is a crucial part of your business. We take the time to ask, “What tools are you currently using, and should HubSpot replace any of them?” In some instances, replacing is the best option. For example, switching from Hootsuite or Mailchimp to HubSpot could save money. But if a tool is performing well and is deeply integrated into your operations, we need to consider the implications of moving it to HubSpot. For example, with a recent onboarding, it became clear in our sessions that the HubSpot quoting tool wasn’t the right solution for the complex needs of the client. So, instead of trying to force a fit, we recognised the tool's limitations and explored other options that integrated more effectively.

  4. We have a deep understanding of the HubSpot ecosystem and integrations: In the example above, the right solution required an understanding of the client's needs AND the requirements for ensuring a smooth integration between HubSpot and another tool. As we’ve said, the data you bring into the system is vital and having one centralised tool to house that data means you want a partner who understands the integration landscape.

  5. We’re all about the HubSpot best practice: The one question we get asked in every onboarding is “What’s the best practice?”. This isn’t always a simple answer, because the best practice really is relevant to your business goals and the overall strategy. Having said that, there are some key areas you want to focus on, including: 

    1. Setting up naming conventions
    2. Creating structure through folders
    3. Using exclusions in automations to prevent overlap and repetitive communication to the same contacts, and prevent automations from 
      breaking each other 
    4. Reviewing duplicates regularly
    5. Setting permission and teams

    But, within all of these elements, the best practices need to be defined based on the business needs. So we work with our clients to help them set up the portal with key best practices and then help them create guidelines for their specific use case. 

  6. We like to put the mouse in your hands: You can spend hours watching someone do something, but until you do it yourself you never fully understand how it all works. That’s why we have a collaborative approach to our onboardings. It’s not all about us talking and you listening (there are plenty of HubSpot Academy videos you can watch for that), we don’t consider an onboarding successful until the users have actually started using the system and experienced the setup and functionality.

    This is where software fails. The tool is only as good as the person using it, and while we work hard to build robust and optimal processes and strategies, we have to test to make sure it all makes sense. So expect some Homework!

  7. We understand the importance of Change Management: People don’t love change, it’s the human condition. Even in a business that has an existing CRM or strong processes, moving to HubSpot will come with changes. As a business which works across multiple clients, we understand the long-term effect of poor change management. We bring our methodology into every onboarding session and work with the client to look at the challenges and risks of implementing a new system. We know that there are key areas we need to take into account:

    1. The business processes
    2. The people/teams
    3. The current technology

    As part of the onboarding engagement, we offer guidance on how to manage the introduction of the tool to the business. We help our clients build a plan to communicate the changes and encourage them to gather feedback to address concerns and/or possible resistance from the affected end-users from the beginning of the process.

  8. We have years of experience and proven results: As a HubSpot Diamond Partner with extensive experience, we have a proven track record of guiding businesses to HubSpot success. Just ask our clients:

    “The Spitfire team exhibited a high level of professionalism in their interaction and support, promptly addressing all of our questions and queries.” - Elaine Marimuthu, Africa Weather

    “The Spitfire team has been fantastic! Really down-to-earth and flexible with the training. All the learning material was really helpful and receiving the recorded videos also helped me share the training with a wider team. I would definitely recommend using Spitfire again!” - Louise Shade, Certes IT Service Solutions

    “From start to finish the team has been phenomenal. Rarely do we come across an organisation or person that 'clicks' with everyone. The team went beyond our expectations, nothing was ever a problem and their knowledge is first class. Our onboarding experience surpassed our expectations and as a result it's really helped our team buy into Hubspot. Thank you!” - Paul Griffiths, Aspire Sports

Onboarding isn’t just for those new to the tool!

Just because you already have HubSpot, doesn’t mean you don’t need a little extra help. We have done onboarding for clients who already have HubSpot - maybe you acquired a new hub and need to understand the tools, maybe you’ve got new team members who need to learn, or maybe you feel like you’re not using the system to its fullest. We often encounter clients who, despite using HubSpot for a year, haven't yet unlocked its full potential. In this case, we start with a HubSpot Portal Audit and help clients build on the base they have and optimise the use of the system. 

At the end of the day, our goal for every onboarding client is to ensure your transition to HubSpot is not just about adopting a new tool, but about transforming your business operations for optimal growth and efficiency. Our team works hard to  ensure that every step of your onboarding process is aligned with your unique business goals, providing a solid foundation for your success. 

Whether you're new to HubSpot or looking to unlock its full potential, we’re all about being your partner in navigating the complexities of HubSpot, setting you up for success, and empowering you to achieve remarkable results. 

If you’re ready to transform your inbound journey and unlock the full potential of HubSpot? Contact Spitfire Inbound today.