[Update] The Spitfire Interceptor Strategy

Developing your inbound marketing strategy with Spitfire Inbound takes a model airplane… and an in-depth interceptor process. Here’s what you can expect.


Onboarding with Spitfire Inbound takes a model airplane… and an in-depth interceptor process. Here’s what you can expect when you sign up with Spitfire Inbound.

A good relationship with an agency is a partnership where collaboration leads to shared goals, and with that, shared wins, and  challenges too. This is Spitfire’s aim with every onboarding session and why we take our client’s victories and challenges to heart.

“Their consultation process was thorough and they took the time to really understand our business,” says Lemay Rogers, of Rentokil Initial South Africa. “Spitfire helped us build and execute a powerful strategy that is measurable and produces high-quality leads that convert into sales. Because they work closely with various stakeholders in our business and ensure they are up to date with our industry, they have become an extension of our internal team and are able to add value during content and strategy sessions that other providers can't.”

Throughout the process we work together with the client to thoroughly comprehend your whole business, and learn where best we can assist in greasing the wheels in your sales, service and marketing departments - and we focus on anticipating your needs proactively based on both a deep understanding of your business and a comprehensive set of constantly updated data.

These fundamental beliefs are why we at Spitfire Inbound have a unique onboarding process, which we call the Interceptor strategy.

To start your onboarding, we hand you a model airplane in pieces - this is more than a nice gesture that helps our clients feel like we’re building something together: it’s a physical representation of the in-depth onboarding process.


Our process takes clients from the beginning to the end of their inbound journey. Step-by-step, we’re with you every step of the way.


  1. Understanding your business
  2. Understanding your customer's challenges
  3. Building a content strategy
  4. Building a lead generation and automation strategy

Understanding your business

We begin with a kickoff meeting – where we gather data and audit the marketing, sales and services content you already have available. Our whole company approach to your inbound strategy means we need to understand which of your previous efforts have or haven’t worked - and that includes tactics, personas, target markets, and content. We want to understand your platforms, technology and current tech stack, and where you are on your digital transformation journey. We then go further – it’s not enough to know what your company is doing, we want to know what your competitors are doing, too: what they’re doing well, and what they’re not doing so well, and using this information, we build your SMART goals together (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound). These smart goals help us identify what we want to achieve along this inbound marketing journey.

Understanding your customer's challenges

Then we start to take a look at the people that each company is trying to reach: their customers and prospects. Some agencies may simply make assumptions, or jump to conclusions about who your customers might be: we don’t. We facilitate a buyer persona, journey and content workshop with key members of your sales and marketing team, and gather critical information about your customers and prospects. We look beyond your customer’s and prospect’s basic consumer needs, and do a deep dive into what inspires and motivates them. What gets them up in the morning? Remember, a buyer persona is more than just demographics.

Simultaneous to understanding who your ideal persona is, is understanding their journey both as a buyer and as a customer. This extends our inbound strategy past marketing and sales into services, where delighting existing customers is pivotal. This is the HubSpot Flywheel approach where we place the customer at the heart of every strategic move, ultimately leading to customers who do your selling for you. 

Using the full flywheel allows us to produce in-depth buyer personas and their journeys, which we feed back to you – just to check we’re all in alignment.

Building a content strategy

Feedback on the content strategy developed from the insights in the e-workshop as well as extensive research is what comes next. Our content is conversion driven and designed to be measurable, with a campaign-based approach that slowly grows your organic reach and builds on your evergreen keywords. The content strategy needs to be robust enough to drive both interest and sales, and impact your lead generation and nurturing strategy. It is important to remember that “content” is more than articles or blog posts - content includes automation elements like sequences and workflows, and includes distributive elements like social media, emails and more. 

We also build an inbound media strategy at this stage and identify relevant keywords. Our personas told us who we’re reaching; this stage of the process tells us how we’re going to reach them, and what we are going to share with them.

We make sure that, by getting feedback from you on the strategy we’ve developed, we’re all in alignment, again

Building a lead generation conversational marketing and automation strategy

This is where it all comes together! Lead nurturing used to include content and emails, but it has expanded substantially to include live chat, chat bots, media, social, PPC, and understanding the lead nurturing strategy on all the different platforms you have available.

This is critical because we know that even if we produce the best content in the world - that answers questions that your customers didn’t even know they had and that convinces them you know what you’re talking about – they still won’t buy from you unless you are able to nurture them in a meaningful way that takes them from ‘maybe’ to ‘buying now!’

What does a Spitfire Plane have to do with inbound marketing?


How do we put this into action?

And that’s where it ends… or does it? Actually, no, we then make sure we use the data we’re collecting to constantly improve on the strategy we’re setting up in the HubSpot portal. With your dedicated and passionate inbound marketing strategists (IMS) we’ll be with you every step of the way – and focus on increasing the quality of your sales qualified leads.

The results are:

  • that you’ll know your customers better than you ever imagined you could;
  • that you have spot-on marketing collaterals that reach your clients in a truly meaningful way;
  • and that you’re able to track and measure the results of implementing campaigns to reach those very people.

Sound too good to be true? It’s not. But don’t believe us, believe our customer – this is what Charl Grobler from Suzuki Auto South Africa  has to say about us:

“We firmly believe that the Inbound philosophy is the future of marketing. In this day and age, the concept of helping customers throughout their buying and ownership process is absolute gold. Spitfire Inbound has guided Suzuki through the entire process of adopting this philosophy into our company. Measurable, exciting and inspiring strategies are helping us, help customers. We have some way to go to reap the full reward but Hubspot and Spitfire Inbound have the means to get us there.”

Give us a call and get your own interceptor strategy started so you can stop or repel your competitors’ hostile aircraft in their track – before they win the war for your new customers.


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