On Target .


Ari Pheiffer

Ari lives by the motto of making it happen! He studied Software Engineering and holds an MBA with a specialisation in Strategy. Ari has worked in the tech and marketing industry for 20 years, specialising in Martech and Fintech. He loves start-ups, and he describes himself as a ‘serial entrepreneur’. He is also an academic and you’ll always find him pursuing a new degree. Ari has a passion for building high-performance teams and leading the culture of the business. He is excited about the power of digital transformation as both a disrupter and an enabler of business. When he’s not studying, you’ll find Ari hiking or horse riding. He loves the outdoors as it gives him a sense of freedom and connection. Fun Fact: He swam in the Atlantic Ocean when he lived in Cape Town (this was before Wim Hoff was popular). He also swam from Robben Island to Big Bay (The Robben Island Channel crossing) not once but TWICE!

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