What Podcasts are we listening to?

Here at Spitfire Inbound we love to learn, and what better way to learn than through listening to podcasts? Here are the ones we’re listening to.


Here at Spitfire Inbound we love to learn, and what better way to learn than through listening to podcasts? Here are the ones we’re listening to.

According to Podcast Insights there are over 2 million podcasts running with roughly 48 million episodes as of April 2021. That is a lot of information, discussions, and laughs to be had. We would like to share some of our top picks from a variety of disciplines. 

Firstly, let's start with the cold hard facts on podcasts. 

In 2001, if you had asked someone, “what is a podcast?” they might think you were talking about fishing. Nowadays, 75% of the US population is familiar with the term “podcasting” – up from 70% in 2019 (Infinite Dial 2020). Podcast listeners are much more active on every social media channel with 94% being active on at least one platform. Not surprisingly, podcast listeners are more likely to follow companies and brands on social media. The idea of advertising on podcasts is growing steadily, with 69% of US podcast listeners who agreed that podcast ads made them aware of new products or services. Considering that 45% of monthly podcast listeners have household income over $75K, this is a group of potential consumers with disposable income. 

In 2019, Edison Research undertook a survey into audio listening, and the results show that there is plenty of room for growth in South Africa. Just 10% of metropolitan South Africans listen to any podcasts in a typical month, compared to 33% of people in the US, or 22% of Australians. The low percentage of podcast listeners in South Africa could be due to the high cost of mobile data. 

Digital media trends are tougher to measure in South Africa compared to countries like the US, because only around half of the country’s population have regular internet access. But of this ‘online population’, 43% have listened to a podcast recently according to Reuters’ Digital News Report 2019.

Podcast host Matt Brown released a report that revealed that the current addressable market for podcasting in South Africa is 16 million people. Brown also highlighted that podcasts are actually the fastest growing sector of media consumption in South Africa.

As I live in Canada - I would like to share some Canadian podcast statistics:

  • 91% of podcast listening is done at home
  • 35% listen while driving
  • Podcast listeners listen to an average of 5 different shows per week
  • 81% listen to all or most of each episode
  • Mobile podcast listening went from 59% to 75% (2018 to 2019)
  • 27% of listeners increase the speed

Now let's get to the good stuff - our staff have chosen a selection of their favorite podcasts for your listening pleasure.

Lauren Espach

Lauren is interested in podcasts that focus on science and history. She recommends listening to Lore, which is a podcast about non-fiction scary stories. Each episode examines historical events that show the dark side of human nature and is presented in a style that's been compared to a campfire experience. She enjoys listening to Ologies, a weekly science podcast hosted by Alie Ward. Each episode is a discussion with a different "ologist" from various scientific fields. The show's tagline is "Ask smart people dumb questions". If you are a history buff you should listen to Ancients, which is dedicated to discussing our distant past. Featuring interviews with historians and archaeologists, each episode covers a specific theme from antiquity.


Alison Leishman

One of the best podcasts Alison has listened to recently is Brene Brown's Dare to Lead Podcast. More specifically the session with Simon Sinek where they explore the infinite mindset. Alison describes the podcast as having, “so many truths in this conversation between two great minds. I love how they hold each other accountable to their words in the conversation. They dig deeply into what this means and I love that there is mutual administration founded on respect and not competition between them.” A lesson that can be learnt from this podcast is that if you disagree with a viewpoint, you should question why you may disagree. This can help you grow as a person, a leader and a business.


Samantha Steele

Samantha would suggest you give Simple Pleasures a listen. She said, “It is a delightful series! It's just Ottolenghi cooking for people, mainly celebrities, and chatting, but it's so relaxing and nice to listen to, with some real heartfelt conversations and the clink of cutlery - it makes you feel like you're in your mom's kitchen. She particularly loved the episode where he cooks for Michael Palin. If you would like a quick history lesson then you should listen to You're Wrong About, which digs into the hidden details of ancient news. Samantha described the podcast hosts as having a great camaraderie and spending their time researching the issues. She notably loved their series on Princess Diana. 

For the parents out there, Samatha recommends The Great Equalizer. This intriguing South African parenting podcast has two truth talking moms and is really a fun listen when you're on the road or busy with working mom errands. Samantha especially enjoyed the episode with Tali from "Tali's Baby Diary.


Kgomotso Dibetso

Three podcasts that Kgomotso would love to share with you are; The Innovation Show, Ideas That Matter and The Lebo Lion Podcast. The theme across these podcasts is clear - they are all centered around learning about leadership, being inventive, and new ideas. The Innovation show, “talks about how organisations, entrepreneurs and change seekers can use their resources and ideas to change the thinking of society and empower people to create solutions that change their lives.” Kgomotso loves it because it helps him to think outside of the box. When describing “Ideas That Matter”, Kgomotso said, “every time I listen to this podcast I feel empowered and inspired to do my best in everything that I do. I would recommend this podcast to all people who are seeking to develop themselves and become better at what they do. It's totally worth listening to.” The Lebo Lion Podcast is another local favourite podcast, it is all about Digital marketing, personal branding and thought leadership. Kgotmotso would recommend this show to all marketers and entrepreneurs who want to elevate their business and grow their mindset. 

Here at Spitfire, we are always looking for opportunities for personal growth and development. Podcasts can give you a combination of education with an enjoyable listening experience. Why not learn something new while driving in the car or cooking dinner. I personally would choose to listen to a podcast over watching  television, at least with a podcast you have the opportunity to learn. You know how the old saying goes, “learn something new every day.” Give one of these suggestions a listen and just maybe you too will learn something new. 

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