On Target .


Chaz Driessel

Chalance (AKA Chaz) moved from East London to study at UCT, where she triple-majored in Film, History and English and then did her postgrad in Business Management, specialising in Marketing. After graduating, she started working at a startup where she learned to be a jack of all trades in marketing and operations. She then moved into marketing in the hospitality industry, first for a well known restaurant chain and then in property, but that only left her hungry. Chaz is excited to work in the world of inbound because she truly believes in the core philosophy and is passionate about connecting and working with people to help them reach their goals. Chaz says, "You learn quickly that the real world can be ruthless and cutthroat and I don’t believe in that at all. I want to help people. I want to see people grow. Inbound Marketing allows me to do that in my work life as well." In her free time, Chaz loves being outdoors and going on adventures. She also one of the fit and healthy Spitfarians who does Crossfit and trains 5-6 times a week.

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