#INBOUND16 tweet round-up | Day 2

Today was the second day of #INBOUND16 - the ultimate Inbound Marketing conference held by Hubspot, the mothership of Inbound Marketing, and our team members were there absorbing every bit of wisdom from some of the world's best marketers.


Today was the second day of #INBOUND16 - the ultimate Inbound Marketing conference held by HubSpot, the mothership of Inbound Marketing, and our team members were there absorbing every bit of wisdom from some of the world's best marketers.

As Donald Trump officially won the presidency, our team members were in Hubspot HQ in Boston with 19 000 other delegates from across the world. From all of these attendees, we picked our top tweets from Day 2 of the inbound conference of the year.  

#Inbound16 tweet round-up | Day 1

#Inbound16 tweet round-up | Day 3

#Inbound16 tweet round-up | Day 4

If you couldn't make it, here's our round up of the top tweets from Day 2 of Inbound16.  

We'll be doing a daily tweet round up as the Inbound conference marches along, so sign up to our blog to get them straight to your inbox. 

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