This week HubSpot is hosting the world's premiere inbound marketing event - INBOUND17. Three of our team mates are in Boston with inbounders from around the globe to join talks and events that inspire, innovate and illustrate the potential of inbound. Our content strategist, Samantha Steele, couldn't attend this year and highlights the best tweets from the day.
Oh man! Today I had really bad FOMO (fear of missing out) seeing the excitement and build up around former first lady Michelle Obama's talk at INBOUND17 on Twitter, and our team of Penquinites and Spitfire Inboundians were extremely excited for the event.

From top left: Lisa Singh (Penquin; @_LisaSingh_), Sarah Mills (Spitfire Inbound; @SimplySarahSA), Darren Leishman (Spitfire Inbound; @DarrenLeishman), Veronica Wainstein (Penquin; @VeeWainstein) and Alison Leishman (Spitfire Inbound; @AlisonLeishman)
Here are our the team's key takeaways from her talk:

And here is my tweet round up of the best tweets of the Day 2 of INBOUND17.
We can't wait for what Day 3 will bring! Subscribe to the Spitfire Inbound blog to get our daily updates.

If you missed yesterday's Tweet round up, you can check it out here!