[NEWS] Spitfire Inbound & Penquin take home 5 awards at the 2019 New Generation Social & Digital Awards 2019

8 October 2019 - Spitfire Inbound & Penquin, have received three silver and two gold awards, following the recent 2019 New Generation Social and Digital Awards that took place at Monte Casino this past month. Amongst these was the Gold Award won in The New Generation Digital Brand of the Year Award category – demonstrating leadership in the digital space, a central pillar to their businesses.


8 October 2019 - Spitfire Inbound & Penquin, have received three silver and two gold awards, following the recent 2019 New Generation Social and Digital Awards that took place at Monte Casino this past month. Amongst these was the Gold Award won in The New Generation Digital Brand of the Year Award category – demonstrating leadership in the digital space, a central pillar to their businesses.

Says Darren Leishman, Managing Director at Spitfire Inbound; “Every year we strive towards delivering innovative solutions to meet the growing demands of our clients’ digital and marketing portfolios and this award is testament to not only our expertise in the digital space, but our ability to deliver real value to the market – value that is driven through deeply understanding and connecting with our client’s current and potential audiences.” 

The New Generation Social & Digital Media Awards are the largest celebrated digital media awards in the country – honouring South Africa’s creative agencies and in-house marketing teams for their innovative use of social and digital media, as well as best practice use of online media and tools. 

Underpinned by their joint efforts on the Suzuki Swift launch campaign - #AllTheRightFeels – these awards showcase the brands’ leadership in experienced-based, integrated marketing, lead-nurturing and digital execution, as well as provide a platform for further excellence in future campaign development.

The following titles were awarded to Spitfire Inbound and Penquin as this year’s event:

  • Gold – The New Generation Digital Brand of the Year Award
  • Gold – Most innovative social media campaign by a medium-large agency
  • Silver - Best Revenue Generating Marketing Campaign/Event
  • Silver - Best Integrated marketing campaign by a corporate
  • Silver – best Marketing Automation Campaign

With almost 400 entries, across 43 categories, and going up against some of South Africa’s most creative campaigns, there is no doubt that the competition was tough and so, we are extremely proud that our Suzuki South Africa campaign enabled us to stand out amongst the crowd and really demonstrate what we do best,” says Veronica Wainstein, Managing Director at Penquin.

“Creativity needs strong competition to thrive and without an industry that is always pushing the envelope, there would be no room for innovation or creative excellence, and we look forward to continuing this journey alongside our industry colleagues,” says Darren.

Contact us if you'd like to learn more about our award winning team and what we do at Spitfire Inbound. We'd love to hear from you.

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