Shooting fish in a barrel - the easy website traffic you should be getting

Generating website traffic is the key to attracting new leads. Our latest blog post looks at the easy website traffic you should be getting.


Photo Credit: The wonderful people at Pixabay

One of the most important things a marketer can do is increase traffic to their website. This is how it usually goes: you create a piece of content, publish it for the world to see and wait for people to visit, like, or share it. Unfortunately, this is not how it really works. You can’t just sit back and wait for traffic to come to you - you have to make the traffic happen.

This article will give every marketer and business owner actionable tips and tricks on how to increase website traffic.

Target long-tail keywords

Keywords are very important for search engine optimisation, and using the right keywords is vital. Long-tail keywords can help you dramatically increase your search engine traffic and boost your conversions. Always make sure your content includes relevant terms and phrases related to your content. When targeting long-tail keywords, you can easily rank in top organic searches for your specific key phrases and other keywords. According to John Donovan, executive training guru and successful entrepreneur, “understanding the importance of selecting relevant long-tail phrases, is just as important as understanding the value of low competition. Just because you’ve found a long tail keyword that is rank-able, it doesn’t mean it will drive conversions on your website.”

There are many keyword tools you can use. Google’s auto-suggestion feature is your first point of departure. It will help you find relevant keywords in every niche. Ubersuggest is another fantastic free tool to use when finding long-tail keywords.

Rebar Business Builders explains how to use it:

Foster a sense of community

People love to share their thoughts and opinions on topics, so provide a space for them to do so. It is a great way to start conversation and increase traffic to your website. With community building, it is very important to attract the right audience. The group, “Afrikaanssprekendes wat buite Suider-Afrika woon” is a Facebook group encouraging South Africans living abroad to participate in a variety of conversations about South African sports teams, the weather and food. The group allows people to stay connected to local and international South Africans and encourages a sense of community.

Pay attention to a Google penalty

Although search engine traffic is very important for any website, achieving high rankings in Google is tedious. Google may penalise you for factors ranging from manipulative methods to increase your website ranking to providing a poor experience for visitors. Over 95% of Google penalties are related to a website’s backlinks. If you suddenly see a decline in traffic, find out why. There are two kinds of penalties:

  • Manual Action: Access Google Webmaster Tools and check if you have received any notifications.
  • Algorithmic Penalty: Correlate the time period that you lost your traffic with the date when a new algorithmic update occurred. Panda is focused on quality content and Penguin is focused on backlinks and text distribution.

Don’t fear, you can resolve it here.



Guest blogging isn’t dead

Guest blogging is an effective marketing technique in the digital world. It is very important to establish your brand as a credible authority within your niche market by appearing as a guest on other niche blogs.

An article on Audience Bloom notes that it is important to guest blog, because it “yields the strongest and safest ROI while simultaneously supporting your SEO, social media, and content marketing efforts. It builds the most valuable, long-term equity in your business, and, most importantly, requires nothing more than a computer and an Internet connection to execute.”

Enhanced calls-to-action

Getting people to visit your website is only the first step, but once they arrive, do they actually convert to leads? If they don’t, it is time to incorporate a strong call-to-action (CTA) to encourage them to further connect with your company. The more quality calls-to-action buttons you create, the more opportunities exist to increase search traffic. According to LoginRadius, a marketing blog, “having strong but relevant calls to action on your website will help you grab the attention of your website visitors. This will help increase user interaction while achieving business goals like: email subscriptions, sales, sign-ups, and so much more.” For a list of tips on how to create an effective CTA, follow these best practices as recommended by the online advertising agency, Wordstream.

Focus on implementing some of these tips and tactics really well and become good at one or two of them. Here’s to more website traffic!

If you'd like some help finding out how your website is performing, try our SEO Audit tool or get your website reviewed by the Spitfire Inbound team. 

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