The talks we're looking forward to at #INBOUND16

The Inbound conference of the year - Hubspot’s Inbound 16 - is fast approaching, and our team is eager to lap up both knowledge and insights from some of the world's greatest in marketing and sales. Here are the talks they’re excited about.


Out of the dozens of speakers - from celebrities, to marketing and sales experts - there are a few topics that really stood out as Events to Tweet about. We took a few minutes to ask the team members attending #INBOUND16 about the talks they were most excited to attend, and here’s what they had to say:


Darren Leishman | MD

“I’m most excited to go to Inbound16 to listen and interact with the world’s leaders in inbound marketing, and bring home what I can apply to Spitfire Inbound.

  • Growth-driven design: A retainer-based web design model that will transform your agency - Luke Summerfield

As the Doodle master in the team, Darren is excited to learn about Luke Summerfield’s new approach to web design, and how he can apply it to his clients.

Businesses and more specifically marketers in this day and age are constantly trying to keep ahead, but is there merit in slowing down at the right time? Darren is keen to find out what slowing down at the right time can mean for business.

  • 9 things you can do tomorrow to make your website start converting -  David Darmanin

Your website should be your marketing agency’s best performing sales person. As the sales leader at Spitfire Inbound, Darren is keen to find out just how to best optimise the Spitfire website, and ensure that it’s not just a traffic gaining portal - it needs to attract and convert customers, not just wow them.

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Alison Leishman | Strategist

“It’s quite tricky to decide who I’m looking forward to seeing the most, but I’ve narrowed it down to three talks which are close to me as a strategist, and to our clients at Spitfire Inbound.”

Our customers ultimately want conversions, and this is something that we at Spitfire Inbound embrace: generating sales qualified leads for our clients. Alison is excited to learn what Oli Gardner has to say about unlocking the conversion equation.  After attending his talk last year and coming back armed with great insights, she is definitely hoping that once again his talk will be one of her highlights!

All too often, marketers find themselves having multiple ideas, implementing them, but then swimming in results trying to wade their way through the minutiae. This is why we have strategy, and a robust one is the key to a successful inbound marketing campaign. Alison says it’s not about the bits and pieces of a strategy, it’s about ensuring that the overall strategy is thorough, and yet still agile. This is one of the reasons she’s looking forward to what Eric Keiles has to say about his key factors in an inbound marketing strategy.

It’s important for salespeople to reach out to prospects at the right time, and with the right message. Alison hope this talk will assist in conceptualising how best to make data interesting so that it becomes a story that people would like to engage with.

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Lucille Moreton | Senior Inbound Marketing Consultant

“As a first timer to the Inbound conference, I’m excited for everything. It was hard to choose my favourite speakers because let’s face it… the lineup is incredible! After some consideration, I’ve narrowed it down to the two breakaway sessions that stand above the rest for me. “

Moving customers through the marketing and sales funnel can be a challenge, so Lucille is excited to hear insights into the best methods to do this, and the action dos and don’ts to make this happen. There’s so much to learn, and she believes it’s knowledge she can apply both internally, and bring back to her clients.

In the Spitfire Inbound office, we’re constantly talking about Millennials and what they mean for new age marketing - how we define and refine our efforts to best speak to and engage with this ever adapting market. As a Millennial herself, it’s interesting to see how other generations view Millennials. What makes them so different? Across our clients, there is a challenge is to learn how to market to this group of people. Lucille is hoping that this talk by Dan Greenberg will reveal research recently conducted, and the outcomes that have implications for marketers.

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We know that’s a lot to digest, and these are only a few of the incredible talks that our team will be attending! To keep up with the team at #Inbound16, follow us on Twitter for frequent updates.

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