Don’t underestimate the power events have to delight your customers even more and grab the attention of prospects.
Looking for a different way of connecting with prospects and delighting customers? Have you thought of hosting events? From networking events, educational events, and brand-awareness events, using HubSpot will help you track, make the conversation, and target customers and prospects more effectively.
We all know when targeting prospects that you can use social media, ABM, and other online platforms. But did you know that by inviting someone to join you at an event that you're either attending or hosting, you can start a conversation in a face-to-face manner, instead of online?
You can use HubSpot to invite them, and secure their attendance, as well as use emails to inform and influence them before they attend. This will help them think about their business needs, so they've had the chance to think about their situation, and opening the conversation to solve their problem.
Client Delight
Once you have your clients in your portal, you can track their behaviour. Based on those findings, you'll know which types of events to plan and host per target group. By having a clear customer report you determine what their interests are, and you can map their business by using a tool like the OrgChartHub.
You can also use that to identify other clients you have with similar needs and buyer personas, and make use of events to get them together and facilitate a discussion on how these businesses can help each other grow. By doing this they feel valued, and that you're not just looking at selling to them, but rather helping to keep their businesses in mind, to help them grow.
Use this infographic to see just how HubSpot can assist, and why we think it's great for prospects and customers.
Get the most out of your marketing events by planning them on time with our handy marketing calendar.